Jewellery Care

Caring for your jewellery is as important as choosing the right piece to complement your style. Jewellery is not just an adornment; it often holds sentimental value and can be a significant investment. Proper maintenance and care are essential to preserve its beauty, prevent damage, and extend its life.

Whether you own heirloom pieces passed down through generations, cherished gifts, or personal purchases that mark special occasions, understanding how to care for these treasures can keep them looking as stunning as the day you received them. Here are detailed guidelines to help you keep your jewellery looking its best:

Proper Storage: Store your jewellery in a cool, dry environment to prevent tarnishing or rusting. Moisture and humidity are detrimental to most metals and gemstones. Utilise a jewellery box with compartments or individual soft pouches to prevent pieces from scratching each other.

Routine Cleaning: Regular cleaning is essential to keep your jewellery shining. Dirt, oils, and other residues can accumulate over time, dulling the sparkle of gemstones and metals. Gently wipe your jewellery with a soft cloth, like microfibre, to remove surface oils and dust. For deeper cleaning, use a mild jewellery cleaning solution, but ensure it's suitable for the specific materials of your jewellery.

Physical Activity Precautions: Remove your jewellery before engaging in physical activities such as exercising, swimming, or doing household chores. Physical exertion can expose your pieces to harmful chemicals (like chlorine in pools), increase the risk of physical damage, or lead to loss.

Chemical Exposure: Be mindful of exposing your jewellery to chemicals. Common substances like cleaning products, perfumes, lotions, and hairsprays can tarnish or damage various jewellery materials. It's advisable to remove jewellery when using such products.

Gentle Handling: Handle your jewellery with care. Avoid pulling, tugging, or stretching, especially with delicate chains or settings. Be cautious not to drop your jewellery, as this can cause stones to loosen, chip, or settings to bend.

Professional Inspections: Regular checks by a professional jeweller can prevent significant damage. They can identify and repair loose settings, weakened clasps, or other wear and tear issues before they become problematic.

Special Care for Specific Materials: Be aware that certain materials require specific care. For example, pearls and opals are more delicate and can be damaged by harsh chemicals or excessive dryness. Silver can tarnish quickly and may need regular polishing.

Avoiding Tangles and Scratches: When storing, keep necklaces and bracelets fastened to avoid tangles. Keep pieces that can scratch others, like diamonds, separate from softer metals and gemstones.

Wearing Jewellery Last: Put on your jewellery after applying makeup, lotions, and perfumes to minimise chemical exposure. This practice also applies to taking off your jewellery first before removing makeup or showering.

Special Cleaning Tips:

  • Use a soft, non-abrasive cloth for general wiping.
  • For more intricate pieces, a soft-bristled brush can help clean hard-to-reach areas.
  • Soaking jewellery in warm soapy water can loosen accumulated grime, but avoid soaking pearls or other delicate gemstones for prolonged periods.
  • Some jewellery can be safely cleaned with ultrasonic cleaners, but this method is not suitable for all gemstones.

Thorough Drying: After cleaning, dry your jewellery completely with a soft cloth. Any residual moisture can cause damage, especially in settings where water can be trapped.

Safe Storage: Post-cleaning, store your jewellery in a dry place, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Separate storage prevents pieces from scratching each other.

Following these guidelines will help ensure your jewellery remains beautiful, functional, and valuable for many years. Remember, each piece of jewellery might have specific care instructions based on its materials and design, so it's always a good idea to consult with a professional jeweller for tailored advice.