Why We Love Pearls

Why We Love Pearls

In recent years, pearls have experienced a resurgence in popularity, gracing the runways and red carpets with renewed fervour. This classic gem, once reserved for the elite, is now a versatile and trendy accessory that complements modern fashion. From statement pieces to minimalist designs, pearls are making a comeback, appealing to a new generation of jewellery enthusiasts. But what is it about pearls that continues to captivate us? In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind the enduring love for pearls, delving into their natural beauty, timeless elegance, versatility, emotional value, and care.

Natural Beauty

One of the most enchanting aspects of pearls is their unique lustre and iridescence, often referred to as "orient." This natural sheen is a result of light reflecting off the layers of nacre that form the pearl. Unlike other gemstones that require cutting and polishing to enhance their beauty, pearls are naturally lustrous and ready to wear straight from the oyster.

Pearls come in a dazzling array of colours, from the classic white and cream to more exotic shades like black, gold, and lavender. This variety is complemented by the range of shapes they can take, including round, oval, teardrop, and baroque. The diversity in colour and shape means that there is a pearl to suit every style and preference, adding to their universal appeal.

Timeless Elegance

Pearls have been a staple in jewellery collections for centuries, celebrated for their timeless elegance. They have adorned royalty and celebrities alike, from the strands worn by Queen Elizabeth I to the iconic necklace that became part of Audrey Hepburn's signature look in "Breakfast at Tiffany's."

The enduring popularity of pearls in classic jewellery pieces such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets speaks to their versatility and sophistication. Whether worn as a single strand or layered for a more modern look, pearls exude a sense of grace and refinement that is unmatched by other gemstones.

In contemporary fashion, pearls continue to make a statement. Designers often incorporate pearls into their collections, blending traditional elegance with modern trends. Pearls are frequently seen on runways and red carpets, proving that they remain a favourite among fashionistas and trendsetters.


One of the reasons why pearls are so beloved is their versatility. They can be dressed up or down, making them suitable for any occasion. A simple pair of pearl studs can add a touch of elegance to everyday wear, while a statement pearl necklace can elevate an evening gown to new heights of glamour.

Pearls are also ageless, making them a perfect accessory for women of all ages. Young girls often receive their first pearls as gifts, and women of all ages continue to wear and cherish them throughout their lives. This versatility ensures that pearls remain a timeless addition to any jewellery collection.

Emotional and Sentimental Value

Beyond their physical beauty, pearls hold significant emotional and sentimental value. They are often associated with important life events and milestones, such as weddings, anniversaries, and graduations. Many brides choose to wear pearls on their wedding day, drawn by their symbolism of purity and new beginnings.

Pearls are also treasured as heirloom pieces, passed down through generations as family treasures. These pieces carry with them the memories and stories of those who wore them before, adding layers of sentimental value that go beyond their monetary worth.

The act of giving and receiving pearls often signifies love, respect, and admiration, making them a popular choice for gifts. Whether it's a mother passing down her pearls to her daughter or a partner gifting a pearl necklace to their beloved, pearls are imbued with deep personal significance.

Care and Maintenance

To ensure that pearls maintain their beauty and luster, proper care and maintenance are essential. Unlike other gemstones, pearls are organic and relatively soft, making them more susceptible to scratches and damage.

Here are some tips for caring for your pearls:

Avoid Contact with Chemicals: Pearls can be damaged by exposure to chemicals found in perfumes, cosmetics, and cleaning products. It's best to put on your pearl jewellery after applying makeup and perfume.

Clean Gently: Clean your pearls with a soft, damp cloth after wearing them to remove any traces of body oils or dirt. Avoid using harsh cleaning agents or ultrasonic cleaners, as these can damage the pearls' surface.

Store Properly: Store pearls separately from other jewellery to prevent scratching. Keep them in a soft cloth pouch or a jewellery box with a soft lining. Avoid storing them in airtight containers, as pearls need a bit of moisture to retain their luster.

Wear Often: Pearls benefit from being worn regularly, as the natural oils from your skin help keep them moisturised. However, avoid wearing them in situations where they might be exposed to harsh conditions or chemicals.


The timeless allure of pearls lies in their rich history, natural beauty, and the deep emotional connections they foster. Their unique luster, versatility, and elegant appeal make them a cherished choice for jewellery lovers around the world. Whether worn as a simple pair of studs or a statement necklace, pearls continue to enchant and captivate, proving that their appeal is truly timeless.

At Les Voyages, we celebrate the beauty and elegance of pearls by offering a stunning collection of pearl jewellery. Whether you're looking for a classic piece to add to your collection or a special gift for a loved one, our pearls are sure to impress. Explore our collection today and discover why pearls are one of the most beloved gemstones in the world.


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